Our Services Include

A detailed computerized projection of retirement benefits on an individual basis

Review of all four options of retirement income for projected ages of 55-70

An individual case-by-case option analysis for best results in supplying retirement income needs through (STRS/PERS)

Information on updated IRS rulings, federal laws, and regulations regarding defined benefit plans, qualified plans their possible benefits, and restrictions

A comprehensive review of effectiveness of employee's plans in meeting your future and present needs, along with effects to Social Security Benefits if qualified

Information on the IRS Section(s) 403(b), 403(b)(7), 402(g), 415, 415(c)(4)(C) and other Tax Code Sections related to Qualified and Defined Benefit Plans administered at the District

Maximum Exclusion Allowance (MEA) calculations

An individual case-by-case option analysis for best results in supplying retirement income needs through (STRS/PERS)

Contact us

If you are an employee within the STRS or PERS systems, contact us today to start a conversation about your retirement package and needs.